Computer control for ALS patient
Since some time we are working with Christian, an ALS-Patient, on a solution for computer control. Unfortunately his muscels are already so weak that speaking and independent breathing isn't possible anymore. Therefore also using a normal mouse or keyboard of course isn't achievable anymore. In such a case there remain the following possibilities for computer control, which can also make interpersonal communication possible again:
- Control via eye-movements
- Control via little muscle activity (EMG)
- Control via brain activity (EEG)
As Christian contacted us, he already had a working solution that works with minor muscle activity using EMG sensors. Four of such sensors mounted on his arms and legs and he can control the mouse cursor in each direction with them. Unfortunately his existing system is a custom-made solution by a big company in the sector of assistive technology and maintainance and adaption is not really possible anymore. Therefore we developed a solution within the research project ToRaDes (funded by MA23, city of Vienna) in cooperation with a student of the UAS Technikum Wien which has the following properties:
- based on the AsTeRICS Framework and therefore very flexible and easy to adapt
- possibility to adapt the system for fewer input modalities, fully functional computer control is possible down to a single input like a switch or a single EMG signal
- since AsTeRICS is open source the solution is easier to reproduce and so hopefully it can help other ALS patients (or patients with similar diseases like multiple sclerosis or locked-in syndrome) in the future
If you are interested in a similar solution, just contact us. Our computer control with two buttons (or keyboard keys) can be easily tried on - "Switch-controlled Mouse".

Test with Christian using the AsTeRICS Solution

Demonstration of computer control with 4 EMG sensors
Info: The described solution was developed in the project ToRaDeS (funded by MA23, city of Vienna) at the university of applied sciences Technikum Wien.