AsTeRICS Framework Workshop
AsTeRICS - the "Assistive Technology Rapid Integration & Construction Set" - is an open source framework for the efficient design of assistive solutions. It was developed during a three-year EU project and serves as one technological basis for the work of the AsTeRICS Academy. AsTeRICS allows the creation of end-user-ready assistive solutions, in particular for people with severe motor conditions (Muscular Dystrophy, Quadriplegia, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, etc.). The workshop provides hands-on experiences with the graphical design editor and the AsTeRICS framework.

Participants develop functional assistive setups including alternative input solutions or environmental control systems using various sensors and actuators. In addition, they learn how to build their own flexible and affordable solutions from easily available materials.
The workshop consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The practical part includes step-by-step examples for following applications:
- realization of a head tracker-based mouse-control
- usage of the Arduino microcontroller for creating alternative input solutions
- digitally controlled PC mouse via switches
- accessible pong game
- environmental control by speech recognition
The workshop program is suitable for 5-15 participants.