The AsTeRICS Foundation develops various assistive tools together with end users and provides resources for do-it-yourself (DIY-) solutions. The following project pages offer manuals, configuration software, source code and respective design files. All hardware and software designs are available without cost (FLOSS - free and open source licensing).

The FLipMouse - an alternative input device for PCs, T.V.s, smartphones, etc.

FABI - a flexible button interface for PCs, smartphones, etc.

The FlipPad - a flexible touchpad for controlling computers, smartphones and more!

AsTeRICS Grid - a flexible grid system for Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)

AsTeRICS - a modular system for rapid prototyping of customised assistive solutions

Oskar - Open Source Braille Keyboards

We support end useres, care personnel and therapists in applying and configuring our assistive solutions. For developers, we offer detailed documentation an tutorials on our github pages. Our support team is available for questions: